About the Journal

Journal Children Education Research, e-ISSN: XXXX-XXXX and p-ISSN: XXXX-XXXX is a free and open-access journal published by the Research Division, YPMMA Institute, Indonesia. Journal of Children Education Research is an academic journal dedicated to promoting and disseminating research related to children's education. The journal focuses on publishing high-quality studies that contribute to the understanding of various aspects of children's education, including their cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development. The journal welcomes original research articles that explore a wide range of topics related to children's education, such as educational psychology, curriculum development, instructional strategies, assessment and evaluation methods, early childhood education, inclusive education, and educational technology. It aims to provide a platform for researchers, educators, policymakers, and practitioners to exchange knowledge and ideas on effective educational practices for children. The journal emphasizes evidence-based research that offers insights into the factors influencing children's learning and educational outcomes. It encourages studies that employ rigorous methodologies and theoretical frameworks to advance the field of children's education. Additionally, the journal welcomes interdisciplinary research that bridges the gap between different disciplines and offers comprehensive perspectives on children's education. Through its publication, the Journal of Children Education Research strives to contribute to the improvement of educational policies, practices, and interventions aimed at enhancing children's educational experiences and achievements. It serves as a valuable resource for researchers, educators, and policymakers interested in promoting effective educational approaches and strategies for the benefit of children's development and future success. All published article URLs will have a digital object identifier (DOI).

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